When I try to search Google Scholar, I get an "unusual traffic" or "Invalid domain for site key" error


This happens when too many people are trying to access Google Scholar from the same place (in our case, the Massey University EZproxy server). 

There is nothing we can do to fix this problem, but there are a couple of ways you can work around it until Google removes the suspension.

1. Set up Library Links by following these steps:

a. Go directly to Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com)

b. Click on Settings

c. Click on Library Links

d. Search for Massey University Library and save that as your home library


2. Or, if you are on campus, you can use this URL as your starting point:



3. Use one of our similar article databases: Discover or Scopus.

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2024
  • Views 454
  • Answered By Julia Harvey

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