Why are my citations slow to insert from EndNote and how can I fix it?


Slow insertion of citations can be a problem - especially with long documents on older machines. This is in part because by default EndNote not only inserts the bibliography (as in older versions) - but also creates a hidden hyperlink from each citation to its reference. This considerably increases the processing involved.


The easiest solution is to turn off instant formatting (see the EndNote Guide). You can control when you want to format the document by clicking Update Citations and Bibliography.

Another alternative is to try turning off the hyperlinking:
1. In Word, go to the EndNote tab/toolbar, select: the Configure Bibliography box.
2. On the Format Bibliography tab - untick: Link in-text citations to references in the bibliography, and click OK.


  • Last Updated May 27, 2024
  • Views 1519
  • Answered By Katherine Chisholm

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