How do I remove author initials from my in-text citation when using Endnote?


Some citation styles (including APA 7th) include initials to differentiate between the authors. This should happen when you have two different authors with the same surname. In this case these are correct citations and the initials do not need to be removed. (If you still do not want them, choose another style that does not do this - such as Chicago B or Harvard, etc.).

If you only have one author with that surname, but the initials are still appearing, then check how the name has been entered in the records in your EndNote library. (Tip: If you have a large library - use the Quick Search box to locate the relevant references). If there are multiple entries for the same author/editor, it is likely that the entries differ slightly (eg: Bloggs, Joe; Bloggs J or Bloggs, J K), making EndNote interpret them as different authors. To fix this, make sure all of the author entries are the same (eg. make them all Bloggs, Joe K). Once this is done, click on Update/Format bibliography in Word to bring these changes through. The initials should disappear.

If they don't disappear - check that there are no spaces on the end of the name and/or initials.

If you are uncertain, check the relevant citation style manual. The OWLL (Online Writing and Learning Link) site offers examples of common styles.


  • Last Updated May 27, 2024
  • Views 1067
  • Answered By Katherine Chisholm

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