EndNote: Why do the changes I type into my citations/bibliography in Word keep disappearing?


When EndNote updates your citations/bibliography it will remove any text you have entered manually. This is because EndNote inserts the information from your Library directly into the document each time you open or update it. To edit this information - you need to use the EndNote tools:

Editing Citations: Click on the citation you wish to edit and use the Edit Citation option on the EndNote tab/toolbar in Word.

Editing Bibliographies: Corrections to individual references are done by editing the record in your EndNote library. Changes to fonts and spacing, etc can be done using the Layout tab in the bibliography preferences.

For more information see the relevant Word version in the Cite While You Write section of the EndNote Guide.

Tip - Field Shading

It is useful to activate the field shading in Word to make the EndNote text easier to see and so to avoid accidently editing or deleting it. To do this see the Field shading in Word section of the EndNote Guide.


  • Last Updated Mar 06, 2024
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Joanne W

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