How Do I Manage My Thesis Chapters With EndNote?


The Library recommends that those working on long documents (such as a book or thesis) should do the following to make it easier to manage and minimise formatting issues:

- use only one EndNote library for the whole thesis/book

- use one document rather than having chapters as several documents

- separate the chapters with section breaks

- if the formatting of the citations is running slow - you can turn off the Instant Formatting and/or citation hyperlinking and Update/Format manually as desired.            See the EndNote guide for instructions.

Chapter Bibliographies
If you wish to have a bibliography at the end of each chapter see the FAQ on the EndNote website.

Merging Chapters
If you have already done separate chapters and will need to merge them to create a combined bibliography. Before merging chapters you will have to unformat them. For each chapter

Go to the EndNote Tab in Word and select Convert Citations and Bibliography: Convert to Unformatted Citations

Then Save As each chapter (eg: as filename-unformatted)

Then you need to merge chapters.

The easiest way is to: Open the first unformattted document into which you want to merge the rest.

Between each chapter you will need to insert a Section Break. Go to the Word Page Layout tab, Breaks : Section Breaks : NextPage.

To insert the next chapter, go to the Word Insert tab, Object - click on - then Text From File.

Insert each unformatted chapter adding each section break at the end of each until complete.

Finally, you want to update the merged unformatted document with the correct style:

Go to the EndNote tab in Word and check your desired style is in the dropdown menu.

Click Update Citations and Bibliography if needed to make it reformat the document.

You may be prompted to identify missing or duplicated references. (Ideally you should have only one EndNote library for all chapters to minimise this. Otherwise you will have to merge them first. In EndNote use File:Import File. Import Option is EndNote Library – also choose Discard Duplicates.)

This will generate a combined reference list at the end of the complete document.

If you encounter persistent problems, please contact your Subject Librarian.


  • Last Updated May 27, 2024
  • Views 157
  • Answered By Katherine Chisholm

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